About Burning Point
Individuals and organizations move through cycles, the same way forests do. Most of the cycles focus on growth patterns - renewal, birth, maturity - but one is different. Creative Destruction is the process of allowing something to die, or even actively destroying it, because it has outlived its usefulness and is now restricting our growth.
There is creative destruction all around us. If you want to grow carrots, you’ll have to keep pulling out weeds. To make space for something new, we always have to let something else go. Maybe you’re a parent who can’t stop screaming at their kids. Or a man who is tired of blowing up all the time. Or a leader whose team is hemorrhaging talent. Know this: There is incredible power in the moment you realize that what you’re doing isn’t working and you’re finally ready to burn it all down.
Burning Point was created out of a desire to embrace creative destruction. We help people find the courage to risk what they have for the sake of what could be. We start with two things: Getting clear about your priorities, and learning to take care of your people. It’s the same whether you’re looking for personal transformation or you want to become a more effective leader. Along the way, we’re going to do some work on you - healing wounds, learning new patterns, celebrating strengths - because you are incredibly important. Is it easy? No. But it’s 100% possible. And it’s worth it.
You know in your gut when you’re ready. Ready to heal. Ready to grow. Ready to lead differently. That’s the burning point. And, when you are, we’re here to help.
About Dana Sproule
Dana became fascinated with the dynamics of leadership when she was a young adult, working at summer camp. She loved seeing the difference she could make for her team and her campers, by leading from a place of service and clear purpose.
For 12 years, Dana worked with a non-profit, coaching university students as they stepped into leadership for the first time. She trained front line staff, managers, and regional leaders, equipping them for mentoring, strategic planning, conflict resolution, and working in multi-ethnic contexts.
Prior to starting her coaching practice, Dana worked in pastoral ministry and in child protection. This breadth of experience has given her empathy for the challenges people face, and conviction that everyone is worthy of respect and love. She is a gifted speaker, group facilitator, and trainer.

Dana loves the sense of purpose and belonging that comes from being part of a team that is focused and strong. She is committed to helping leaders make a difference in their sphere of influence. She is especially passionate about helping new leaders start off strong.
Dana is a former foster parent and adoptive mom to a wonderfully funny and mischievous four year old. She has two enormous cats and a wicked sense of humour.