My son went back to school this week. We were both ready for that. He has entered a new developmental phase which can best be described as way snarkier than a four year old has any right to be.
Over the holidays, he’s spent time with my parents, and my sister. We've had several playdates. We visited my best friend, who got up three mornings in a row to play, while I slept in. BEST. GIFT. EVER.
OMG does it ever take a village!
And not just for raising children.
Last year at this time, I was struggling. I was doing some good things, but it just felt so hard. In the middle of March, I hired a coach. I’ve worked with her on and off for 10 years, a couple sessions at a time.
This time, I bit the bullet and bought the six-month package. Twice.
Best decision I made all year.
All of a sudden, I wasn’t alone in my work. Once a week, I had someone’s undivided attention, focused with me on how to make things better. Partnership. Accountability. Interpretation. Collective memory. Improvement.
I’ve come so far this year because of that choice.
Coming into 2025, I want to focus on getting stronger. Like, my actual body.
This is wildly outside my comfort zone.
I have some trauma around that and I can never quite get to a place where I enjoy exercise. I’ve started and stopped more classes than I can count.
My best friend helpfully asked me when I’ve been most successful working out. No question: The winter of 2017.
Two women I was getting to know started talking about joining this run-down little gym and I asked if I could come. We decided to go three times a week.

We used kettlebells. We used machines I’d never seen before. We did burpees. We would jump across the gym. Just jump. That really gets your heart rate up.
It also makes you feel like an idiot.
So, we laughed a lot. Like, a LOT. Loudly.
I got stronger than I’ve ever been. Those women were enthusiastic, supportive, and hilarious. They loved me so much and pushed me so hard. By the end, we could all do 75 pushups without dying. It was incredible.
The point is, it worked because I wasn’t alone.
So, this time, I’m looking for the community first.
I heard about a boxing club that promises unconditional support for “underdogs.” And two people I’ve been getting to know use that gym.
I have never in my life considered boxing. But I think that might just be the community I need.
It takes a village.
And, now, here’s the reason I wanted to share this reflection with you today: This concept is profoundly true in your leadership development. It takes a village to raise a leader.
It doesn’t work to hunker down in your office, read books, listen to podcasts, and hope for the best.
You need to talk to other leaders. You need to learn how to think differently. You need tools. You need feedback. You need to share successes and failures. You need to laugh with people who get it.
Does that sound good to you?
I want you to consider two ways that you could make me - and Burning Point Coaching and Consulting - part of your leadership village in 2025:
The Leaders Circle

I built this course to give you the foundational leadership skills you need in the context of a supportive community of peers. You’ll be more confident, focused, and effective as a leader. And you’ll be more connected, supported, and known as a person.
The January cohort starts next week. You can learn more about it and register HERE.
Leadership Coaching Package
This package gives you unlimited access to coaching for six months. That means, I’ll be in your corner, helping you make progress in the areas where you want to grow. It means focus, accountability, perspective, challenge, support, and growth. You decide what to work on, and I will help you get there.
This kind of coaching is what made all the difference for me. Because it’s where we got to focus on my goals and the things that hold me back - in a much more personal way than I could in a course.
If this what you need, let's CHAT.
As an added bonus, when you purchase the coaching package, registration to The Leaders Circle is included.
Know why I stopped going to the gym with my friends? As it got warmer outside, they both felt we didn’t need the gym anymore. They were going to transition to outdoor activities, like biking and baseball, for the summer.
I wish I’d had the courage to say, “I won’t be able to do this alone. Please keep going with me.”
I didn’t, because I hate asking for help (a topic for another blog). But imagine where I’d be if I had.
That’s why I’m proud of myself for hiring a coach. And knowing that, today, I need a community if I’m going to get stronger.
Do you have a village?
If not, and you’re a leader, this might be what you’ve been looking for.